It was a cold morning here at the farm this weekend as Indy and I were doing chores together and at one point, I looked over, and was caught off guard by what I saw. I just had to stop and stare at her...

"What's wrong Papa?" she asked. "Nothing honey... sometimes you just look like your Mama," I answered.
And she does.
Indiana's getting so tall and looking so grown-up these days, that I guess it surprises me and I get a little lost in the moment, imagining what it would be like if Joey were here with us. If they could be together in these sweet, simple moments. To share in the life we live, that Joey loved so much.
Indy will be 10 years old in February and is changing so fast. All in a really good way. Although she'll always be the baby of my three daughters, she is quick to remind me that she's getting bigger.
The other night she said, "Papa, I'm not little anymore... I'm just young."
Again, I just stared at her.
She's not just getting bigger everyday, she's getting smarter too.

Please tell Indy I love her very much. She is so beautiful.
The little angel will always remind you of Joey. She was an angel also