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how great the world

Indy loves to sing. She always has… at least, for as long as she has been able to make out words, which has been a pretty good while now. She sings in the backseat when we’re driving, in her bedroom when she’s playing Barbies, and pretty much anywhere else, whether people are nearby or not.

Sometimes she makes up songs and other times it will be a Disney song like “Let It Go” from Frozen or “A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes” from Cinderella. More often than not though, it will be a Gospel song. A hymn she’s heard her Mama or Papa sing or “Why Me Lord” from Bradley Walker’s cd or “The Old Rugged Cross” from a Merle Haggard vinyl album we listen to a lot. But sometimes, she does a little of all of it at the same time. Sing a Gospel song, she made up, with a positive Disney outlook.

Last week, one evening as the sun was setting and I was doing dishes, I heard her singing her heart out in the shower. The song was the chorus of the old hymn “How Great Thou Art’ but the words were more like “How Great The World.” And I couldn’t help but smile as I was rinsing dishes and stop for a minute to capture the moment, so I would never forget it.

Even though she may have gotten the words wrong, in another way, she’s right… it is a great world, in spite of the hardships and difficulties that we all face at times. I’m so blessed and thankful for the joy Indiana brings into mine. I hope the joy in her little heart just keeps growing stronger.

Then sings my soul, my savior God to thee

How great the world, how great the world…



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