After more than seven years in business, the sign on the front of Marcy Jo’s was in dire need of replacing. I had created it in photoshop back then and still had the file, so I sent it off and a week later, a shiny and new one was ready to be installed. My brother-in-law Donny (Marcy’s husband and I) loaded the ladder up and spent a half hour or so taking the old one down and putting the new one up. It was kind of comical. Folks were coming in and out of the restaurant for breakfast, and we were a bit in their way, but it was great fun and a neat memory.

To think, this little cafe started as a by-chance conversation at our kitchen table in 2006. Marcy, Joey, and I were having coffee and started talking about the old rundown general store just down the road that was empty. I think it was Marcy who said, “Jo, we should put a restaurant in there.” And just like that, the idea was born. A couple of months later, after some hard work and a few trips to Goodwill stores and yard sales (that’s where we first bought most of our tables, chairs, appliances, etc…) the store was ready to open. In January of 2007, the open sign was turned on. Marcy did the cooking, Joey did the waitressing, and they both shared the baking duties. Little did we know how much that little cafe would change Marcy’s life, our lives, and the lives of many many other people. It’s no wonder that their slogan is “Changing Lives…One Bite At A Time.”
