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free concert

This Memorial Day, will mark 25 years that we've owned and been living here at Hardison Mill farm. That's a quarter of a century - nearly half of my life. Which has been such an incredible blessing to me and my family, especially since my four siblings and I spent all of our childhood and a good bit of our early adult lives, moving from town-to-town, and state-to-state; living in trailers and apartments, just trying to make a living and getting by.

To have been given the opportunity back in May of 1999 to buy this old farmhouse and plant ourselves in the soil here - to put down roots here in this land and in this community has been amazing. And then to see all that God has done since then, and all the incredible fruit that has come from those seeds, is almost overwhelming for me to comprehend.

So to celebrate the past twenty-five years, I'm putting on a FREE CONCERT on May 25th, the Saturday night of Memorial Day weekend in the Hall here at our farm.

It will be an evening filled with nothing but songs and stories about faith & family. A night to remember where we've been, and celebrate where we are. And to pray about where we're going. To lift up God and what He does when we trust Him. When we give Him our hearts and our lives and we remember that the gifts we've been given are just that... gifts. Meant to given away to others.

I hope you'll consider joining me and my family that evening, whether you're a neighbor and live nearby, or have been following our story from a great distance and want to come celebrate with us. I think it's going to be a really special evening. One that we're all going to remember for at least the next twenty-five years...

Click the button below to get your tickets, or to get more info.

* May 25th is sold out already. 2nd show just added on May 24th:



Ticket price:    FREE

Date & Time:   SATURDAY, MAY 25th, 2024 at 7 PM



* Lobby doors open at 6 pm.  Seating is first come-first serve.

** It is a FREE CONCERT, but since seating is limited, it is ticketed to keep track of how-many and who will be coming.  Come by yourself, bring a friend or your family, or bring someone you don't know but want to be a blessing to.


5 comentários

03 de abr. de 2024

Wish you would have a live stream that we could pay to see, for those who can't travel. That would be great.


Esse comentário foi excluído.
03 de abr. de 2024
Respondendo a

Then take it to magistrates court or retain counsel. Don't come here unnamed and throw out accusations and think people will believe you. This is not the way to handle business.

You are most likely the one making judgemental statements about his family in the post a couple above this one. We each only answer to God for ourself and no one needs your help.


02 de abr. de 2024

Love this😍

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