I’ve been thinking about doing a podcast for a good while now but have never done one... for a few reasons. First off, I wasn’t really sure who I would want to interview, or even more so, why? But about a year ago I finally figured out both... at least I had thought I had.
The person I wanted to sit down with most wasn’t a celebrity or an online expert, he was a 92-year-old farmer. He was actually the farmer who owned this farm we live on before me. He sold it to me twenty years ago and I have always wanted to sit down, hit the record button, and talk with him. For years I'd wanted to ask him questions about growing up here in our old farmhouse and what it was like to grow old there. I even called his sister about a year ago and tried to set it up. But it never came to be, and unfortunately, it never will.
My farmer friend passed of COVID 19 two weeks ago... the only one in our county that I know of that has. When that happened, I was reminded that I need to sit down talk with the people I want to talk with now... not someday. My first "This Life WE Live" podcast guest is also not a celebrity, unless you live around here. Then he kinda is. He is my doctor and my good friend Theron Hutton. We are part of same porch time group of guys that drink coffee and ponder the meaning of life every Wednesday morning. Theron and I are also related... well, almost.
His son Caleb, is my little daughter's betrothed. When Indy and Caleb were still babies, both of our wives decided that they would be married someday. Now they are only six and seven, but I call him my son in law, and that makes Theron, my daughter’s father in law - to be. We cover topics in our discussion from family, to faith, to the corona-virus and his take on where we are and what he thinks we should be doing. This was the first time I’ve done a podcast, but I have a feeling it won’t be the last time to sit down with someone that I think lives a truly extraordinary, ordinary life.
Since my birthday, 4/25/20... I’m doing a daily FLOG (farm + vlog) here on YouTube. I’m doing my best to make something and share it... EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. ...at least for a while.
This is FLOG #05.
*special thanks to Dr. Theron Hutton for joining me. You can learn more about him and his practice 'Mulberry Clinics' at www.mulberryclinics.com.
*another big thanks to Aaron David Thomas for the fancy camera and audio work on short notice and the heavy lifting editing this one.