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breakfast with santa

Joey's mama and sister came from Indiana to spend the weekend with us, and yesterday morning we took them to Marcy Jo's for breakfast. Just as we pulled in, I heard Indy say, "Papa, Santa is here!"

It turns out Santa Claus is a biscuit and gravy fan and he made his yearly trip from the North Pole (via McMinnville I heard) to take Mrs. Claus and the family out for breakfast.

My sister Marcy's grandbabies came down and joined us. They, along with Indy (and our middle daughter Hopie) were all excited to see him.

We've had lots of celebrities come to the restaurant through the years, and most of the time it's fairly easy for them to blend in with everyone else... but this one, was a little more noticeable.

We got to spend lots of time talking about the past year or two (sounds like all the quarantining was tough on Santa too) and catching up since we'd last seen he and the misses. Indy reminded him about the letter she wrote and mailed him a letter a week or so ago and the gift she's hoping for. Santa was so sweet and said he hadn't forgotten.

It was a fun surprise visit, and a wonderful way to start a day of shopping and exploring with Mom and Jessie. But as nice as it was to see Santa, it was even more wonderful to have some of Joey's family here with us this holiday season. Indy loves her Grandmama and her aunts and we're looking forward to making our trip home to Indiana in the next couple of weeks.



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