She loves to dance. She always has. As soon as she started walking, Indiana was twirling. Usually in front of a mirror in the house somewhere.
So when she started real ballet lessons, she was really excited. That was over a year ago and I captured her very first lesson (with her friend Josephine and a bunch of other little girls) on one of the first episodes of the This Life I Live series I was making at the time. It was actually a whole episode on Indy and her story, at least the first six years of it, but it starts with her first ballet lesson HERE.
A short time later, that ballet studio and pretty much everything else was closed due to Co-vid. And although things leveled out here in our area a few months later, we just never went back.
But surprisingly this spring, ballet lessons came here instead. A wonderful teacher named Mrs. Chelsea offered to come to our farm and start teaching Indy once a week here on the stage where I do concerts. And so about two weeks ago, Indy had her very first ballet lesson at home. And again, she was so, so, so excited.
And of course, her Papa, was there to capture and keep this sweet moment too.
Chelsea Howell has The Children's Ballet Theater about 20 mins away in Spring Hill, and this past December, they needed a place where they could hold their Christmas Nutcracker" dance recitals. So for one night, our stage and concert hall was turned into a ballet theater full of excited dancers and parents.

Indy got to watch all the girls do their beautiful dances and it just inspired her more. And so now a few months later, to have the chance to learn one-on-one with such a special teacher, is a real blessing to her and to me.
These days Indy has her own little ballet bar in the house, next to the big mirror in the 'western room' where she was born. Most afternoons after school, you'll find her stripping off her school uniform and pulling on tights and slippers, asking for music, and practicing 'first and second position'... whatever that means.

Ballet is not only something that Indiana loves to do, it's very, very good for her. She, like most little ones with almond eyes, has poor muscle tone and balance, and ballet is wonderful for strengthening her legs and her core. So for her Papa, that's a big win/win.
Thank you Mrs. Chelsea, for sharing your gift with my little gift from God.